Iriginally this was an article on entrepreneurship with guest writer Elena Madrid.
I had to interview someone because I am learning to ask experts their opinions about things. Elena came to my mind because she is a beautiful strong grandma my age who went to high school at my same school and graduated somewhere else. She is not afraid to take the lead, create systems and fill in gaps where help is needed. She works for the college of education in Austin, Texas. Her information is so good that I gave her name to my friend Robert who owns Float in El Paso, Texas and he is helping change consciousness for the next generation living in a thriving healthy environment birthing itself in the desert. I met him because I went to Float to soak in a giant tub of epsom salt called a float tank. It was just what I needed. His enthusiasm and drive to share information about medicine ways and help a lineage of people free themselves from fear of using plants as medicine sparked a great conversation. It was the perfect idea for a show and he asked if I would sit and talk to him for a while. I do a guest show on his Podbean, The Higher Frequency Podcast. Here’s the link to my first podcast: ( He’s amazing and extremely intelligent. We could have talked for hours and did! I do have a reward for the first person who blog comments the word for the show. We say it hundereds if times. It’s hilarious. He recently happened to ask when I was returning to El Paso and it turned out he was doing a show on entrepreneurship. So, synchronized because Elena happened to be in El Paso and it’s her area of expertise. So grand Elena did a show... Long story, I have no guest writer for this blog, just a good story about El Paso connections. I love where I was born. It’s amazing knowing people since my birth. I even know where my great grandmothers were born, died and are buried. Also, everyone moves very slowly, so everyone always has time. Desert very hot...move slow. Ok. In between sessions right now, just reflecting and remembering I have blogs to write, journals, yoga and life ahead of me so I’m getting off the phone now. Love you❣️ Big kisses. Big hugs.
I want to share the most amazing important information life experience has taught me.
The key to love is using it. Especially among relations. Right relationships are the ones lived in public eye with a community of people who love and face each other everyday. Can you look each other in the eye? How will you ever know, if you do not share? Ideas. Time. Place. Backstory and what you now understand about yourself and why you made the decisions you did then. Actually doesn’t matter why anymore. End justification and victim mentality. Make yourself right with it because nothing will change how you responded in that moment you only can affect how you respond to current ones. What idea are you at this time, for this place? Wisdom is knowing your eye is trained to see what you believe. Believe in someone good loving you. Love someone good in return. What is a right relation? It is a healthy relationship with ourselves in relation to others. As in, not overinflated or unnecessarily humble. It’s harmonious. Honest. Unhurried. Able to listen. Harmonizing intellects. Gathering information. Multiple perspectives and genres. The full story. Share what life has taught you based on the lives you have lived. The key to relationship is sharing the information stored inside you. Unlock the doors in perception, tell your love story, be balanced with truths. Undo the lies silence and misperceptions have created inside you. Share what you feel. Socially awkward. Listen. Unknow. Relearn. Repressed now expressed is free from illusion. Release anxieties. Communicate. Free to relate is relationship. Friendly disagreements. Still functioning relationships. Healthy living together. Completely different but understood. Completely wrong but also so right. In right relation. Me to you and everything in between. Believe in me loving you. Believe in the power of loving me. Opposites. Attract. Male female. Young old. Right wing left wing. Not opposed. Meeting in the middle where we connect and then being friendly. Leave it. You’re not the teacher. Neither am I. But both are students. Learn more. We will never know it all. Stop trying. Confusion is unnecessary. No need to put it all together. Just share. Justification and defense leaves holes in the whole. Stop knit picking, instead weave the thread. All of us. Together. Are relations. One Source. One brillant solution oriented mind. Putting our world back together again one memory at a time. The best ones. Tell your best stories, let go of the ones you no longer relate to. You are no longer in relation to each other. It’s neutral. That is healthy. To live lives separately but forever together in our hearts. Choosing happy...softer peace. Then... silence. Let the circle go. Let go. In between thoughts is the life you are really living. It’s right here in front of you, the place where memory and current experiences overlay. In Native ways, talking story is the most powerful form of healing, especially when spoken by a channel or medium in a group setting.
The collective is joined by life experiences and the healing is told by the one who has come to accept, understand, realize, and honor the same but different occurrence. In the telling of story is the presentation of spiritual concepts at work, much like Jesus on the Mount of Olives when he spoke in simple parable, it is the human way to understand the esoteric. If you aren’t paying attention, it will seem talking story is talking circles, or somehow off topic, but I like to think it’s a moment to spiral out in words all the thoughts we hear but don’t organize. It is the hearing of memory, the validity of or questions in life now witnessed. Once the story is witnessed, it changes all stories and loses its power. Both teller and listener are transformed, releases from the isolation of overly charged “special” circumstances because truth is, all are in this living together. We cocreate a truth. Rewrite mythology. Share perspectives. Real taking story is uncensored, more like stream of consciousness, sometimes you even lose your place. I remember meeting my elder brother Navaho. First things first, “I’m fat and I’m trying to lose weight.” Just so you know where he is coming from, what he is praying for himself tonight in tipi, and just so you know, he’s not a perfect man. My brother does this without wanting to, and in anxiety he will ask me, “Zonia? Why do I meet someone and immediately start telling them a personal story about my grandma?” It's the healing way we live with our hearts open and ready to connect at a deeper level, these are the topics that mean something to us. What was I taking about? Rehear yourself think. Yes, this point I am wanting to remember, and it will spiral until it is spoken and words take flight. I remember stories. Keeper of memory. Knower of experiences. The, well, in relation to that story, I once heard the story about, which is different from my story, and similar to yours, but not the same. The, yes, things happen. They really do. What you are feeling or seeing is normal. Not at all absurd. Valid. Want some tea? I have some photos I want to share. Yes, please. Tell me the story behind the image. Why do you store it here? Who does it say you have been and will be into the future more? It is taking me years back to access that experience perhaps it’s time for now my experiences are. Who we were, is not who we are. It’s what we do today as a result of yesteryears. But it’s a start. We look at photo albums, a son has died but this is us before when his mother and I began. The father shows me pictures of himself with a big giant fro and beard grown in Amsterdam. I have to laugh and say, "Hey! You realize I now can't concentrate on anything you are saying. I can only picture you with a big giant beard and fro!" We show pictures to show people where we are coming from in the sands of time, we step forward through ages and deaths and beginnings anew out of the silence. Hey, tell me a story. A good one. Make it a love story. Tell the truth. Laugh and cry. Be human to human, you and me. We have this life we are living. What is behind it, revealed in snipets. I’m sitting in my car. A squirrel runs towards me across the road. Aspen leaves quiver in the winds changing season, towards fall I’ll be 43. Tell a story. Which one? Where shall we begin? And how do I feel about it now? Well, give me a second. I remember, this one time, let me use words and see if I can paint the story. Heart, you’re the leading character. Don’t be shy. Listening is the first step.
Confusion is the result of our limited perspective attempting to process unlimited variables and unknowns through the computer of our brains. For me, confusion is, not enough information, as in, not yet time, as in, wait and see, as in, do not yet proceed. Get quiet, very quiet. Ask a Higher Source from a greater vantage point, one that knows the heart and situations of the many on whom, from time to time, my next decision is dependent. Not knowing is not the problem. Patience is. Slow down. No, really, go the speed of the sun. I remember years ago meeting a Tahoe local who slept on the beach. It was fall, he didn’t have much to do or own anything but he was happy. ”Zonia?” ”Yes?” ”Have you ever watched the leaves change colors?” I looked at him, “Of course!” My mind twirled around images of all the seasons and remembered many a red and gold tree. He smiled wide taking in a fellow nature lover. He pointed at a tree next to us, “I watched that one change yesterday.” I paused, looked and laughed in appreciation. No, I thought then (but have since, yes) I have never watched a tree change color. I told him this with a new understanding of his question. He smiled with a twinkly in his eye, “It was green in the morning but I noticed the edges turning yellow, so I stopped and watched it.” That day that aspen was red and yellow. ”Really?! In one day?” ”In one day.” Didn't seem true but since then, yes, in one day. What do we give attention to in one day? One question? One situation? The asking comes first. The listening takes time. The answer comes when we realize in our swirling minds, we are confused because we don’t have the answer. What is the answer? Depends on the question. How will you know when it comes? In the quiet a knowing will arise that you didn’t have before and it wasn’t in google which is driven by our minds, created by a mind. Databases only contain what is known and a mind can only seek what it can conceive. It will come. The answer. But you have to listen and wait for it. How will you know? It will arise out of the quiet, the thing you didn’t think of before and it will feel like dawn’s first light, peace will descend in contented smiles and if it didn’t, at least the nonanswers will fall away into the quietude of observation. Zen simplicity. Appreciation for what is. A knowing that everything has its seasons and cycles and the spaces between points us to where all the beauty is. My Dad has just had knee surgery. His endorphins are wearing off and the pain killer prescription has expired.
I have plant medicines. I offer them after first saying, “Dad, I swear it’s not mine.” A reference to my brother getting busted in high school for experimentation and a porn magazine. We both laugh. Really, it isn’t. I’m not sick at this moment, feeling healthy, happy, and fit. Medicine unnecessary. I forgot to give it to give to a client who deals with anxiety. “Dad, seriously, do you want it?” His teeth are chattering and he has a fever. He says, yes, but only in food form. ”Ok. It’ll take a while.” As the concoction brews and synthesizes, my dad looks at me and says, “I give you permission to practice medicine on me.” I look at him and consider the long road from when I was choosing natural alternative therapies to heal my endocrine system after it shut down from a brain tumor and our many disagreements about that choice. ”Dad, I give You permission to practice medicine on yourSelf.” My Dad and I have never feared disagreeing amicably about many topics. This isn’t one, especially now that this path has laid out in front of me from age 17, “It’s how I have become who I am,” I continue. We take a moment to discuss pharmaceuticals and their scientific synthezation for the purpose of billion dollar profits taking plants and turning them into pills. Aspirin and willow is one, but the list is extensive from anti-tumor agents and artichoke derived liver medications. The insanity of it hits me in this particular moment, wherein, I tell my dad, reclaiming our relationships to seeds, plants and food is the first step to medical reformation. When we realize knowledge, diet and natural medicine are free to every human being then perhaps we will begin, not to look outward at corporations as the problem, but rather our own separation from the Earth and a failure to take control of our own health. This is not to discount medical doctors or emergency facilities with state of the art technology, rather this is to say that if we don’t start looking to the plants, not just for recreation or psychotropic effects, we will fail to liberate ourselves into health and a better relationship with our living planet. Also, if we don’t realize the very separation of our plant from our consciousness and the creation of dependency on high priced synthesized versions is a form of addiction to unhealthy that keeps a billion dollar industry thriving so that it has the monetary power over politics, government and health care. It begins with us. Every day. Every choice. If we as a species are increasingly diseased, it is a product of our inability to doctor our own minds in conjunction with necessary behavior modifications, ending unhealthy patterns of addiction and also seeing the correlation between our choices in making our world a peaceful healthy place. In making physical health a priority, we can begin to feed and water our bodies with the highest quality ingredients beginning with food sources, high plant based diets, especially greens. As we become more in tune with the plants, we will understand water and sunlight as basic needs, realizing indoor lighting and computer screens are no substitute for active life styles and exposure to the outdoors. Being outside will increase our affection for living beings of all sorts, ourselves and our dependency on other life forms being one. Perhaps our greatest source of disease is our disconnection. When I say to my dad, practice medicine on yourself, I mean self heal. I mean know how to take care of your body. Do it daily. Stop lying about the things you know are breaking down your cellular structure. Stop contributing to the unhealth of society and reconnect to sources of healing. One of the ways to do this is to recognize there are those who abuse plants with less side effects than prescription drugs. The idea that plant based medicines are the drugs of low economics and of the same vibration as alcoholism, needs to be healed. For many, the stigma is worse than the truth. What is the truth? Somewhere between here and there. Always somewhere between here and there. Both sides see a truth that neither side will accept, this is blindness akin to the other side of the moon rejecting the existence of the sun because it is in the shadows. Physical health is obtainable to all people, especially in our country. To be true, in our country there’s no excuse for claiming ignorance. Since I was a child and Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed childhood obesity and made us start doing chin ups by presidential decree, health and what constitutes it has been a conversation and a concern, and that was at the beginning of Lucky Charms sugar cereals and Burger King playgrounds. The conversations and concerns: Soda and its effects on internal organs. Meat in high quantities, especially from discompassionate sources. Poisons on monocrops to cover over diseased farming practices. Corn syrups. Margarines. Any kind of science food not derived from a natural source. Did you know jaw breakers are actually sugar coated plastic? Yes, plastic. Here, son, because I love you. The knowledge is there and rather than putting it to use people point fingers to Washington DC. Highly radical first step to physical health, imagine someone who wanted you to be healthy rode with you in the car and steered you towards health alternatives in food. Imagine someone who desired vitality for you because they had nothing to gain monetarily, was with you in your home and deciding how you spent your time and money. Imagine that person turned off the tv and went for a walk. Imagine that person making your meals. Imagine that person loving your children and interacting with them face to face. Imagine that person is you. The real medicine I speak of practicing is wisdom, self-care, radical honesty and I not only give you permission to practice it on yourself, I say beginning with you can lead to a whole reform not only inside your bodies, families, communities, and country but would change the way we interact with the world and care for our life giving planet. I am in my mother’s Michael’s store she calls her art studio. She wants to do a joint art project but I can’t find anywhere to sit. She’s rolling her eyes at my conversation about overconsumption and the fact that she is a retailer’s dream of infinite want incarnate.
With no shame she announces, “ Speaking of Michael’s, I need paint.” I walk over to her paint drawers and open them. “What color?” ”I don’t have it.” ”What color?” “Yellow ochre.” I pull out a bottle. ”Oh,” my mom says as I pull out another one. She looks at me and smiles as I pull out bottle three. My eyes raise. Four. I’m looking her right in the eyes. We both start laughing. Five. Six. Seven. We are crying. ”Mom,” I say between laughs wiping my tears “Stop buying yellow ochre!” But give her a minute, we will be at Michael’s for something, wandering aisles as she picks up random items and then changes direction to another unrelated section, me a rare shopper now turned toddler whining about when we get to go home and finally saying, “Mom, I thought you needed something.” ”I do! They are having a sale.” ”Mom, they have coupons and sales everyday for the last five years.” ”Yeah, huh?” ”Yeah.” ”I don’t really need anything.” We both laugh knowing not only is her art studio itself a store, but her new art studio, the sun room down stairs, is threatening to chain store. I call this the glitch of infinite want fueled by advertising, sale schemes and retail therapy. The if only I had, then life would be... I know now all about it. Raised by first generation college goers, I now reflect on the quest to match what no doubt appeared to be the lifestyle of those with more but is a chachqi infested China plastic hoarders dream. Those who have, have. Have the feeling of having, aren’t always looking for that’s why they have. When I first got out of college and became a teacher, I didn’t know what to do with my new funds. I imitated what I knew in the form of shopping sprees, restaurants and movies. It had its fun times (would do it again times) dressed in 40’s swing retro style dancing at the coconut grove in Santa Cruz or salsa dancing in San Francisco after delicious meals at sexy Steps of Rome in the Italian district. By my tenth year of teaching, though, I had a three panel closet with clothes still sporting tags, a brain tumor, debt and major depression. The antidote cure, known in Native Traditions as the giveaway, literally what it sounds like, a giving away of what is blocking you from what’s real, true, and important so that you aren’t trapped by your attachment to them. In other words, your things don’t own you, especially all the stuff you aren’t using shoved into corners, drawers, and closets. Choose quality over quantity. Have favorites, cherish and take care of them. My nephew, looking to build credit has his first credit card in his hand. I break a sweat just looking at it, “Tia, what advice would you give me?” “Invest in you.” “What do you mean?” “Your things won’t make you who you are, your life will. Invest in experiences. Educate yourself. Put your money towards your passions. Know when you’re full,” I say telling him the story of his grandma and her paint. Amazing artist. Invests in her passions. Our great great grandchildren will make art with what she collects. So I guess she is also investing in us being artists too. We laugh. “How do I know if I’m full?” “If you think you need something go look for it in your closet. Is it full? See how many similar things you have. If you still want the new one give away the other five. The more you give, the more you will realize you have. Mostly, practice contentment and rechannel boredom into self-development. Think of the future. Invest in dreams. The closer to dreams you are, the more you will feel you have everything you need. The more you feel you have everything you need, the further from survival mentality you will be. Once your basic needs are met, you can let go of the dream others feed you for profit and let go into the life your soul calls you to. That is true contentment. And the money you didn’t spend on chachqis, use it to get there. Discard the shell, Rumi says,
Keep the pearl of connectivity Bright light’s angelic seed At the center of heart beating A rainbow bridge through uncertainty Overwrite old stories, patterns that No longer exist Shimering gates Crystalline overlays Heart cords to highest selves in future Pull you forward through passageways In your mind Focus Dreams lay in dreams Leave behind the self that fears freedom Desires what is known to rise and repeat itself Today births from what is not seen An image surpassing your own understanding Limited viewpoint Stop controlling outcomes Sink into the infinite plan Heart seeking heart Assurance Listen You are held Love is guiding the way home Follow the unpaved pathway Synapsis Faith healing in progress Feeling the way not known for you Returning to innocence in sandcastles Wash away Come back again To the pearl in your heart Believe in the best for you The wind will carry you You know where to fly It’s a feeling, a knowing Your child heart remembers Unicorns and fairy princesses are the Magical Kingdom There is enough for all of us If we remember how to share Pearls of wisdom in Our hearts Find silence and Follow the bridge spirit has laid called Prayer Connecting wisdom of experience With blessings Silence birthed reality Destiny Gratitude Thank you for loving me I am here, in your heart. Put your mind on this It is the pulse of eternity The universe inside you Awaken to your freedom Will what is best for your Intention Live blessed, Beloved one, The stars are shining for us Become certain that the way unknown for you Is lit with lanterns and Hands outstretched to guide you Though the way is not consciously known You’ve been here before Feeling Listening Knowing You are not alone in the world You never have been. We are all here together on The blue pearl so beautiful and Beloved In space In time The shell will fall away The luminous sphere of souls freedom Love’s will Be revealed. Who put the left brainers in charge of education? No, really, when did wholistic (holy whole) become categoric and compartmentalized become one box?
Little computers inputting information to catalogue inventory, take stock, human beings are best in full expression of life quests not waiting to live. It seems to me, we could all stand to revisit psychologist Howard Gardner’s developmental intelligences. In 1983, he proposed a multiple intelligence theory that broke down natural inclinations and knowings valuable to healthy society, in that, each one was an important part of society. Some, like my brother who would hear music in everything, clicks and all tv conversation, would invisibly be drumming internally at all times a beat unheard by me. I always wondered what he was hearing. When we we got older I remember watching him laying on the bed listening to music and I wanted to know what he heard. He would mouth the instrument line sounds so I could hear the independent sounds made by separate musicians. Soon I could hear the layers of music. I understood the staff dimensionally. Others have a deep knowing of musicality and it’s connection to spirit. My friend Dolli feels music around her body and when she throws her operatic voice, she says it exists through her but outside her too, in the cathedral around her head. Same brother, what a gifted nerd, was also given body smarts. He calls it independent limb function which is all limbs moving independent of the other’s direction at its own rhythm and beat. But, you know, musically and sounding right while doing it. That’s called multiple intelligences. Some people are good at more than one thing to an equal extent and those two things combine usually to determine what they do for a living. In a perfect world, we watch the young living and see natural inclinations and give them skills to love the life they naturally lead. This is of course the birth place for learning according to Kahuna master teacher modalities. It is the mainstay of indigenous culture and how kids ended up learning from auntie Mahi healing work or uncle Lloyd fire tending. It is how Waldorf Montessori got its roots, it’s called mastery and village training. Modern day education seeks to mold the children into a need based society and, while some are born logical mathematical with a natural affinity for numbers and reasoning, most are not. In fact, during the last years of my life as an educator, I was given the kids “at risk” of not fitting this mold. I became grateful for their spiritual rebellion, for my class was filled with spiritually artistically interpersonal socialites who danced their bodies, rapped in spoken words naturally loved the earth and seemed to know themselves. All of which used to be fostered by elders as valuable skills needed to base society upon. In old law making, it would be unheard of to leave the heart, body and spirit out and put all decisions on mind. In fact, more import was given to the other three to inform mind about right choices and circles contained people representing various aspects of humanity. As recent as this year, reflecting my own psychology and Jungian philosophy has me looking back on old information, gathering it for my own growth out of newly dogmatized new age practices originally meant to free people but now used to harness money for the list makers and how to livers. As in, follow my amazing registered trade mark list for life and how to be spiritual, free, and healthy, only $19.95 and your eternal allegiance to something not generated by your independent thinking skills. This approach, pretty much the same as standardized testing which shows absolutely nothing about actual thinking processes just makes some test maker millions. So, having realized I had mind fucked my own self with the fine fine fine attitude of “time to make the donuts” doldrums and same same conversations and boring nongrowth mentality of only talking to people just like me, I began to examine what aspects of self were undeveloped I.e sitting in the shadows, pissed (pain body) for not having its perspective tapped, and started reflecting on Jung’s psychology of archetypes. If school isn’t educating whole peeps any more and I’m an educator, then I need to start with my own psychology and teach out of field, party, and social circle to grow. Grow out of martyr, hero mentalities into thrive mentalities knowing we are always supported to grow. Remember sainthood and perfection needs the joker and sensualist to grow and splatter some paint, dig the earth and rotate like the sun. Existential into space and play the Universal currents of musical intelligence through kinetic touch to stars and count mathematical precision drum beats spiral dance and turn the wheel of psychological genius access full person intelligence is in the bones and learning is soul in contact with world and the people in it are multiple faces eyes on different aspects of life living in the now running down the road, afiguring it all out one probability at a time, as in probably we know ourselves today but tomorrow is another day. Today the innocent tomorrow the outlaw, today the magician tomorrow the Everyman, today the sage taking it all so seriously tomorrow the jester Buddha laughing enlightened and released from the tension of disharmonic duality into one you, perfectly expressing all aspects, in harmony. Smarty. Keep growing. Keep learning. The human race can not be unevolved. We can not unknow, what we now know.
We are all connected to the sacred elements of the Universe. We contain in our cells all the stardust, light, water, earth, metabolic fire that imbues us with infinite powers of manifestation and potentiality. It is built into our genetic code with perfect adaptation to the Earth cycles, human tendency, and outward manifestation of heart conditions. Over passing years, the gap between peoples has widened into two very distinct groups, those who are here for themselves and those who understand our mere existence on the planet is evidence that we belong to a creative force. For this later group, the perfection of our involuntary body systems, Universal mathematical precision and spiritual capabilities is a humbling fact that leads us down many roads in an effort to become more of what this force "wills" us to become. The endless spiritual paths and belief systems can lead ones to confusion, especially when many of the beliefs tend to contradict each other. What is at the core of beliefs and their dogmas, however, is one outstanding fact. We are all human beings living on a planet that was brought into existence long before any holy creeds or books were ever written or channelled. Indigos are the generation of old souls who bridge the future with the past. They came to witness the effects of choices from previous generations and, over corrected in order to show the subsequent generation the middle path. The next generation will witness both adult and elder wisdom and see the effects of both to balance. That is the purpose of the grandchildren, children generation. The bridge leads to future, as in future generations, the unborns, the millenialists are a product of old and new harmonizing sleeping awakening in ways we don’t yet understand. What defines a generation is the zeitgeist or shared belief systems in place at our birth. My nephews the avengers saving the universe Strengths Mr. Rogers. Child Psychology Consumerism Spiritual Resistance. Dharma. Calling. Destiny. Human overcorrection of previous generations era. Extremism. Middle path. My forever will be my step-daughter is telling me about the path she has taken to arrive at psychology as a major.
One of her classes is in social media and the masks people wear. She tells a specific story of a woman in circle who admitted to severe depression. The professor pulls up her Facebook page and they analyzes her content. She’s a yoga teacher and everything she posts is only positive, pictures are only smiling, and nothing would indicate she was sad in anyway. This peeks my interest. What did the professor tell her was the answer? Kenna tells me the answer is coming back to real feelings. The answer is telling the truth. The answer is admitting to her emotional state so that it doesn’t have power over her anymore and being open to others so they have the opportunity to be supportive. ”You know,” Kenna says, “Take the mask off.” I stop painting and look at her. A memory of her at nine flashes through my mind, she’s walking with Ken ahead of me in Tahoma. They are holding hands. I smile big. “Nineteen, huh? How’d you get so wise?” She laughs, “A lot of practice in crazy.” We both laugh and begin to discuss effects of Facebook and self-creation. We talk about my recently reactivated page after a three year hiatus. People told me when I left, I’d fail and my careeer would nose dive. Instead, I listened and found my way back to my heart with no thoughts about the approval or permission of others and found my way through the jungle to the sea where WiFi didn’t reach. I found peace, surrender, trust, devotion and observed as people increasingly experienced separation though “connected” to hundereds. I watched as more people opened their life the more anxious they were about whether people liked them and wondered increasingly if people really knew them and if they did, would they love them? And then I turned my page back on and all those feelings rose for me. Given my absence I thought I would share what it’s like to plug back in. As I plug back in I see people I love. They are married now, some have kids. Hey! How come we don’t talk? I write them, no way,! look at how life has changed! Text me pictures, I send my phone number. I wanna be close to you again but I don’t think I’m keeping this page😂 We laugh. Zonia just stay on it. I don’t know it’s weird😂 Whats weird? It’s an actual place! I feel like I’m literally going there. I leave here and enter there. I see gatherings and so many people together. I see friends, lots of friends in person. They look really happy. I see videos of people that I know talking on screens about the things they believe in. I see video sharing is common. I see my students now teachers doing yoga videos and I wonder why I didn’t want to do that. It’s fun to see Deanna’s body fly. I think about being the teacher and having her extend the last few seconds of breath before knowing the next pose pause. And then she moves and I see the beautiful angles of her leg I see an engaged Uddoyana twist, balanced sacrum. It’s beautiful. I don’t say anything but I miss teaching in my community. I travel, I start yoga foundational breath awareness movement, and then I wait to see if when I return change has happened. I watch a long time. People move houses, they get married, kids graduate high school. Moments pass in more radical clips. Change. As I reactivate I gaze through pictures I have no where else. I remember all the ones I never posted because I didn’t have a page. They existed only on my phone and those washed away in the toilet the day I dropped my phone in. In the moment it was liberation. Nothing to refer to. Only memories. They are fleeting. Now on my page, I open memories. I wonder what happened to Karen. I see ex partners. I see albums that are shortened after the first round of deleting pictures post breakup. I see ones that are part of continuations. I don’t delete them, life has changed. I wonder about people I’ve met over the years if they find me on here, what story will my pictures tell that my voice did not. I think of these blogs. I write just to write, without social media, writing is for me. I think maybe I’ll share. I do. Then I have several days of wondering what I wrote. How it will be received? Oh no?! What did I say, then I remember everything I write is for me. To witness. To understand where I’m comfortable by from. To give rise to feeling and heal. I remember all my feelings of isolation, decide my words have been true to me, and decide to allow myself to be seen. Not just in pictures pages or words but in life. I think of all the things I never say. All the smiles. I ask if they are real. They are. I ask if I’ve been wearing a mask of self imposed seclusion. I wonder if I have mourned choices and decisions. I wonder if I’ve let go of too many things. I wonder about the people whose lives mine touchs for just seconds. I ask what I’m traveling for. I ask where is my home. I look at pictures of families. They are mine, but also no longer, just forever loved. I see my own story unfold in pictures, in words, in reels my own mind sees and I wonder if I know my own heart enough to trust what I’ve seen, chosen and done. I think of choices. I see my story unfolding. I see two friends of 20 years who love yoga and have lived together for short periods of time but who only time to time get to sit side by side from across the globe. I see two travelers partners children. I see ceremony, prayer and family. I see when I choose my brothers family as my own. I see my parents aging. I see my grandparents gone. I see me in yoga poses. I laugh, I remember why I quit social media. We were trying to start a school to teach spirituality, connection, and practice. All anyone wants are photographs. They don’t match what I believe to be true of me. Meaning? What does the photo tell? Insecurity. Clothes ok? Posture good? My belly shows. Am I getting old. Do I practice what I teach? Am I delusional? Do the things I do make a difference. I think I’m doing “something”, what was it? Am I self-creating or self pretending? It seems that I’m alone a lot but also always with people. In love but gone. Loved but gone. Loving but extended over a large space for periods of time in and out of different lives all of them real and true for me and to me. Next thing I know, I’m totally self-absorbed. Like in this moment, when I am remembering photographs all through the stories and insecurity that accompanies online presence I am absorbed in image and perception. I turn off off the phone and stare at the ceiling. “Zonia,” I tell me, “you are self absorbed right now. It’s ok put the phone down. Everything is ok.” Alone in this room. Ceiling breath thoughts go crickets come night falls. Thinking, sighing, breathing. All these pictures from the past, all these feelings are coming up. How good is this for me? Loss, stories, and choices. A little roadmap to where you are now. Reflection. Asking myself: If you had understood in those moments what life you were living, what would you have held onto? Does it matter? They are all gone and I’m starting again. Its almost the season I go back to Mexico and I don’t remember ever getting back. Not sure I did. One minute I was in Mexico staring at the ocean waves, then running through petroglyphs and climbing to hot springs, the next laughing in my Coloradoan friends backyard, then Venetia is putting blue mascara on me and my best friend from seven years old is walking me around the highly muraled downtown district. Then, I’m in Utah and I’m blazing back to convergence where I literally collide into my yoga friend of 20 years and two and a half months go by side by side. We are. We are in Maui when I finally look over and say this makes sense to me next to Paula with Lou Gerriggs in Kula and then stuffing his dad in the back seat in Makawao. Ken and Georgia are getting married, he’s with me. We are teaching yoga in San Diego. Then we aren’t. Suddenly, I’m in Tahoe and back naked at the river. Everything has changed. I can see love stories folding and unfolding. Friendships beginning and ending. And time it’s going by. I want to gather together with people. I want to be all in one place, all these people I know. I want us all to talk story. I want to heal disconnection by being the photos into moving screens with laughter and to touch foreheads, say hello. I want to cry and laugh with friends. Have a fire, sip cocoa, drink some wine. Suddenly they are filing through the house for a month. Theres so much back story, you can only start from here with what you know. That life is fleeting. That people age time moves on and love is eternal. Not because it’s on the screen but because the stories of how it got that way are so deep and meaningful to your existence. That pictures dont capture everything. No details. No voices. None of the fears or insecurities blocking you from living in the life you were in without trading it in for other ones that didn’t last. That even those ones are a part of your memories and the many lives you’ve lived. That you are grateful. That overall you like you and damn you know what’s gone and won’t come back but let’s hold hands. Be friends. Have sleep overs. Look each other in the eye. Toss the phones for a sec. Come back to really in each other’s physical presence. Like Kenna and I on the porch. She’s reading a book. I’m painting. I think about closing again. Delete, deactivate. Then I see my nephew in namaste. It makes you happy. Ok. They are right there. It’s not far away as Oregon or quiet as spaces between visits seem. When you can’t look anymore put that phone down. Picking up from today. Write a poem. Call a friend. Make some tea. Paint a painting I may cover over tomorrow. Give them as gifts. Invite people into my home. Trade sessions. Sit together. Remember we are going to be ok. Take one day as it comes. Fall in love one memory at a time. Dont rush it. There’s only today. We can’t record everything. Some moments are better than others. Some you’ll never see again but they are part of your memories. A ghost whisper from the past of farms cedar cabins and goat milk cheese. Others hillside gardens and yoga decks at sunset. Some hiking in the Himalayas living in surf vans teaching yoga. And some praying directions, sewing gifts and building fires. All of them are me, but more so the many things I haven’t recorded or written. The posts I’ll never make. The feelings I can’t convey in any way other than embrace. And the moments alone quiet contemplation writing just for me because I must...those pass too into trail runs on meadows in Tahoe sun and paddle boards no phone no witness except for the one living inside me. What will we we think about today? Do to fill the time? Who will we meet? Only one way to figure it out, gotta live it, putting the phone down. Don’t be afraid. Go somewhere your phone can’t go, like the water. Spend a day where signals don’t reach. The whole day. You’ll be okay.
Take no pictures. Tell no one what you did. Hold the moment in your heart for yourself. Know you are not alone. Feel the immense power of being invisibily observed and in observation, say nothing. Just feel and do what you love until your heart bursts wide open. Breathe. Hear only breath. I’m swimming in the waters, sun breaking through the surface. I can see my $1 thrift store hot pink flippers, wearing my $10 bikini that wasn’t the right color, so I spray painted it. My hands are breaking the surface towards the light warmth is steaming in to meet me when I realize... That is all. It’s March 21, 2011. Like all near human extinction prophecies and mass hysteria movements the fervor and speculation is high.
I’m sitting in a health food restaurant being run by a young bright healthy man I met at a yoga studio in Kauai years before with my best friend Magnolia, member of the last original homestead family registered in the United States, adopted daughter of tribal elder Beaver Chief and author of The Diamond Path: A Guide to the Art of Healing, We overhear behind us, Zeus a self-proclaimed scholar mystical expert on the year 2012. We pause in our own spiritual discussion to listen. Both of us burst out laughing as a reflection of spiritual conversation is revealed to us. Wide eyed and with love in our hearts we both turn and exclaim, “We thought we were crazy! Ha ha you guys sound crazy!” It takes them aback a bit but slowly, when removing the bias that we are all coming from the same place and reviewing conversation, we all begin to laugh. It’s no wonder modern day thinkers and survivors of many a Nostradamus Enquirer covers often dismiss spiritualists as delusional dreamers. I understand this problem, as both a spiritualist and an educated ex-high school teacher, I value research and information but I’ve come to realize that there are some with genuine connection to this planet and Earth COMMUNICATES valuable truths before data is collected. What I think is of value is feeling into fundamental truths about disconnected Earth practices and the footprint of the human beings who live here. Its obvious and would be ridiculous for people to not agree that we live in the age of overconsumption, mass pollution, and obstinate unwillingness to alter our course or direction in accord with these observations. Some attempt to address these concerns politically butting heads with Big Oil companies and corporations making big bucks off of our fast paced throw away society. So, while politicians try to pass land and water laws, spiritualists, naturalists, and healers attempt to tackle the problem of the human condition individually and within communities. As knowing crescendos and the outcome of choices affect all people leading to cancer of spirit, body, and mind, we look to our visions hoping there is a Source of information greater than our own limited vantage point and believing in the ultimate savability of our race. I've been thinking about statistics, observation and prophecy of late. A curious connection tying back into the day in Sedona with my friend Maggie. FUNDAMENTALLY TRUE, as in no data or facts at this time to support a greater understanding but tied into recorded change, is my uneducated but observant story about the future of our planet. In 2012, the Mayan end of calendar year (as with many conjectures) ideas were as varied as there are people. What was said is that in that year there would be an ending to things as we knew it, which to me indicated some kind of shift but we didn't know what. I heard a lot of theories and ideas but I didn't know and, I was really sure after hearing people talking about it, that no one knew the truth either. So, I just waited to see. One of the things that caught my attention during that time, however, was that just like a person who reaches zero point, the planet's internal rhythm was reaching such a high velocity that the vibrational waves were going to overlay on top of themselves and essentially cancel each other out, in essence going so fast it would imperceptibly stop. Zero Point. The rate of speed and frequency at the center of the Earth reached zero point in 2012. (This is not a spiritualist concept. My t.v. watching dad and I compromised on a show about the Universe. A station I agreed to watch because it appeared to contain useful information to which I am now referring. (I obviously watched just to tell you because boobtubing and google searching looks like a room of zombies, or greys, and it freaks me out.). Scientifically speaking the pulse of the earth has a vibration which when measured looks like sound waves. Using this visual, the movement overlapped itself. Zero. Point. Only for a point in time because it all resets and starts to beat to a different rhythm, the original one, like paddles on a heart attack victim or as resuscitation. What would happen after zero point? In the a human body, a restart puts everything into alignment, rebalances, and transforms previous reality into a new reality. Transformation. Also known as near death experiences. Some hopefuls actually believed we would transcend into an overlayed different planet that would appear through the energetic tunnel of all planets lining up but that humans would have a hard time waking up because they live everyday the same instead of seeing sleep as a portal to another dimension and believing in miracles. Their habits and behaviors would continue as if everything was the same. impossible, even under normal circumstances, but that God would put it all back together again perfectly. So, everyone relax, this will only take a second. I loved the concept. It made me laugh. I thought “Well, hell! I’ll take that. Yes, please, so much easier than our small mindedness could ever do!” It reminded me of my mother’s version of Paradise Earth and other concepts of compassionate transformation. It reminded me of Bible stories, like Lot praying for all of the good people on Earth and going into the condemned cities to find the people who loved God in their hearts. All the good people who loved the Earth. All the good people who loved their families. All the people who cherished their lives and gave credit to a Higher Source. In fact, my dad and I were talking over breakfast (because I won the t.v. debate that morning and it was off.) The conversation revolved around global health, population, sustainability, consumerism, and generational differences. We were feeling a little low and unfaithful that things could get better. My mom, because of her faith, is eternally optimistic and while refraining from the conversation was reading the paper listening. This is the time her little eyes popped up over the paper and she said, “Don’t worry guys. Jehovah is gone take over the planet and the Earth will be a paradise.” Now there are many ways to act and respond to this. One is laugh, which is what we did. Two, is say to each other, “Is she serious?” To which we both laugh again because we know she is. Thirdly, with all the love in our hearts my dad, a Vietnam veteran agnostic, and me an ex-Jehovah's Witness disfellowshipped for having sex now retired Shaman yogini who travels the world teaching sexuality, union and divinity courses to those recovering from sexual trauma, repression, lack of information, and disconnection from self/ others both said, in unison, “God, mom! I hope so!!!!” To which we all smiled and laughed again from our deepest hearts. If it can be so, please let it be. Amen. At these pivotal moments, also seen in major disease patients, change of what was transforms into a different state of being. In The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk, this is called el Mundo Bueno. In Native Traditions we call this, The Dreaming. In yoga, Third Eye Contemplation, and, in Christianity, Heaven. It’s a forgetting and a remembering. A deconstructing and reconstructing. Jump start. For example, if a person who has a spiritual awakening or evolves to the crown of their head (Sanskirt terminology for the energy above the head representing devotion akin to Holy Spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E., also the Pine Cone at the Vatican, or the Buddha’s knot), which moves at a high rate of velocity, person will receive grace in order to start over again, differently. I contemplated this and asked what would be different? How would the Earth be after zero point? What I heard was that the poles would shift. How would that go? Instantaneously or slowly over time? Would everything frozen melt and everything liquid would freeze? Made sense, crop rotation for human beings. Well, according to recent studies, the poles have in fact shifted 3%. Something I recently described to my father, a retired Chevron executive, who is not a spiritualist nor did he ever put much faith in Mayan calendars but who does pride himself on facts and statistics. And, yes, he agreed the poles are in fact slowly shifting, he saw it on the Science Channel. According to him, I haven't factoid checked, but scientists agree the poles have slightly shifted. Makes sense in terms of evolution and adaptation. Which leads me to another observation about seasons and cycles. They are off by 2-3 months. In the meantime, I'm listening to conversations about global warming and the fact that things are changing. I'm thinking “Yup!” Latitude and longitude lines are shifting too, that would put us in different climate zones and also adjust our expectations of seasons and grow areas. Winters are starting later and going two months later. I hear the general panic of “Oh, my god! Oh, my god, (A literal cry for many.) something is wrong! It hasn't snowed until January.” Then at the end of the season, I hear, “Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Something is wrong, it is snowing in May.” I start wondering, if we let go of the linear calendar and allow ourselves to observe cycles seasons and changes what we might see as the new norma,l is now two months later which means we would have to leap months. I say this to my sister in law and she suggests, perhaps this is a result of following solar instead of lunar calendars. Also, variation of seasons is also dependent on the angling of the sun. Do do we need a new globe reflecting a 3% shift? We did have to redo maps when continents shifts, why not poles? Perhaps the real problem with current status is the static nature of our current existence, no longer migratory, we are unable to move with our changing planet. Are you saying there is no global warming? It's clear we are in the middle of a dramatic shift. While having breakfast with my friend in Colorado, she is showing me pictures of Venice. I ask her if rising waters are affecting the city. She laughs and tells me the whole city is propped up and caving in on itself. We laugh and say we are mid-way to another Atlantis. Only time will tell. There is, however, a correlation between adjusting norms to cover over unhealthy which is what happened with lab results and the average person. \u0010So many people's levels are in the level of unhealthy that it has been reestablished as the norm. On the other hand, if a person tests normal then they respond to life and environment as being normal. Same thing is happening with our planet. Go back to original, all levels are off. What's right? In shifting times, time is telling the effect of actions. The standards of response can change in order to reflect track now healthy behavior living within parameters of a functioning reality. A good reality. How does it look, act, think, and feel? Do that now. As in, really imagine we are gifted with everything in its purest most crystalline structure. How would we treat and value it the second time around? Do it now. The first time. We are a part of this Earth. She wants us here. We live in her memory past, present, and future. She loves us. She wants us to flourish like the many flowers on her hillside. She wants us to grow, like the many trees reaching skyward. She wants us to enjoy our life, like the dolphin spinning circles over oceanic tides. She wants us to feel inspired and free, like the red tails with their wings spread wide. She put us here as an act of Creation to add to her own beauty. We are beautiful beings, may we touch upon the soul of our many waters, breathe deep clean air, and drink into the deepest cells of earth in us waking upon this planet as Beloveds. I’m visiting my dear friend, a science technology teacher and mother of two. We are in Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe discussing health care, insurance and pharmaceuticals.
Both of our parents are baby boomers and highly prescribed patients. I'm discussing with laughter the strange behavior I’ve observed in my parents in regard to Lipitor, their cholesterol medication. During my my last visit home, I have taken over the shopping for food for the simple reason that when I open the overstuffed fridge there isn’t anything in color. As far as I’m concerned, there isn’t food or room. Styrofoam containers, formaldehyde filled jars, sulfite pressed meat, aspartame, corn syrup, and dairylike substances get thrown away leaving empty shelves. I go to the grocery store, head to two places...protein and the produce section. When I return home with fruits and veggies my dad cries, exclaiming “There is nothing to eat!” “Dad,” I say, “Eat food. Look, Dad, I bought grapefruit. You love grapefruit.” “I can’t eat it anymore.” “Why not?” I ask as I spy the section of bread products I haven’t gotten to yet and see him with an apple fritter poised at his mouth. ”Because,” he says between bites, “ It interferes with my cholesterol medication.” I’m watching him silently, hoping he’ll laugh and see the same irony of high fat in his body, his need for the medicine and his current choice of food intake. He doesn’t and so I do. Laughingly I say, “Dad, are you trying to tell me the people who prescribed the medication said nothing about the donut but prohibited grapefruit consumption? Did it occur to you that if you made healthier choices like the grapefruit to begin with your body would be in better balance and you wouldn’t need the medication?” I see his eyes raise. I look back at amused. ”Dad, a spoonful of lecithin in a smoothie with fruits and color would lower your cholesterol and free you to eat grapefruit again. Plus, you’d lose weight.” He eyes me, takes another fritter bite, “This is easier.” ( Ok ok pause for factoid check. Father: this is filled with hyperbole and Trumpisms😂 Me: Would you like to despite accuracy. F: I would. M: What would you have me say? F: Just make sure they know I love fruit, avoid pain killers at all costs, go to the gym and only eat apple fritters on occasion. M: Ok true. Maybe you are a hybrid of you and mom in this story. F: Now that’s true. M: So for the record, my pops is one bad ass ex Vietnam vet who goes to the gym and has biceps like my thighs. He taught me everything about using my body and interfacing with the physical world. Thanks, dad. Love you. Also this scenario is true😂) Paula and I sitting in the living room in Tahoe laugh. Listing out strange baby boomer stories such as in-house reverse osmosis water filters and reusable bottles unused but plastic bottles in the fridge. She holds up a book she’s reading, “Zonia, you’d love this book.” Its called Functional Medicine and it’s written by doctors who are freeing themselves from the tyranny of insurance companies and big pharmaceuticals in order to actually heal people of lies and false information. The main tier dedicated to a very important fundamental truth, diet and lifestyle matter. I hold back the urge here to shout, “Duh!” and instead focus on the language and vocabulary to communicate these basic concepts to the masses. I’ll use whatever words people want me to, how do we learn to speak truth in the medical community. Meaning someone is heavily obese with 30 pounds of weight pulling the spine forward and complaining about back pain. Honesty. I have actually said this to people. The weight of your belly is pulling your spine forward. If you want the pain to diminish you, have to lose weight. Common practice now, pain killers. How about personal accountability and radical truth speaking from those whose opinions people trust? This is the premise of Functional Medicine, a restructuring of the health prescription of doctors. In this example, a doctor, instead of prescribing pain pills would write a prescription to a dietician and exercise specialist. Radical honesty. A patient instead of saying what they know they should actually eat, would have no other choice but to eat that way to eliminate pain and, instead of sitting on the couch watching t.v. while their psoas shortens and pulls the skeleton inciting sciatica, would actually go for a walk. Bureau of Land Management is the conservancy organization that has bought and maintained for the people the right to camp by the Yuba River.
I’m at the trailhead contemplating this and remember that my friend from Kansas, a hunter and financial advisor, has told me it’s one of the groups he volunteers to work with. I’m standing at the sign with my friend from San Francisco, who travels 4-6 hours depending on the day, to find refuge from the City and be able to find silence, sanctuary, and hear the voice of the waters. It's possible because the land is not privately owned. It’s a group of people who buy the land for people. I’m thinking this when we see a different sign saying one of the beaches is closed because this particular area is owned privately and that access is granted all year except once a year they like to allow contributors to come for a weekend undisturbed and experience what it is they have saved, refuge for so many. They have made this section available to others for 362 days a year. I’m thinking about this when I am invited to the California Waterfowl Orgnaizations dinner. Their mission is to preserve waterways so that waterfowl populations have the opportunity to flourish in a healthy environment and, to prevent population explosion and the tradition of being able to feed self and family continues, they offer permits to acquire your own food and that is also why they are proponents of moderate gun laws. My friend looks at me and asks what I think. I tell him the story of an intuitive healer in Kauai who during my raw fooding days, offered me a session. When I entered he was in a trance. As I sat down he recited my entire lineage, akin to blood type eating, a reasonable book written about eating according to where our relatives were born. (I.e. most Mexicans are gluten intolerant because their ancestors ate corn. Most Europeans do best with artisan breads and wheat because they were not introduced to corn until migration to the New World) After his recitation the healer opened his eyes and asked me a question that evoked a very strong vision. He asked, “What did your ancestors know about the cycle of life that you do not?” I immediately saw an animal whose life had been taken merged energetically with a native person who was deep in gratitude prayer for the body of the animal and who sat in communion with the spirit of the animal. This I weighed inside of my raw vegetarian yogini body. Within the next 10 years I will meet many yogis suffering from autoimmune disorders and suggest they eat food rather than supplementation and imported goods. Soon after, the paleo diets will emerge as aides to immunity and also as elimination diets similar to going raw or vegan but addressing body chemistry and allegic response to sources of food, not meat or vegetable. This being the foundational level to what is called the Functional Medicine Pyramid, meaning that at the basis of health is diet and lifestyle. Side note about diet and lifestyle, in trying to find the cause of disease one must address and eliminate food sources and add in ones that will support the body’s necessary healing. Meaning humans love to over correct and be extreme. Sometimes we must visit the other extreme in order to integrate and balance. All that being said, I tell him one of my best friends, roommates of 8 years, and hunter used to tell me, as he said, “hippie ass” hunters love animals and the environment more than the average person because they understand directly the life cycle, seasons, and migrations. They observed more quickly population and environmental changes and then, key point, joined together to make measures that would help to fix the problems. Of course, I know many a river guide, farmer, ecologist who could say the same. All in all I agree that anyone spending life and revolving it around nature will know a thing or two about what is happening and what is needed. So, when my friend asks me, what do you think, about the Waterfowl Conservancy, I tell him, “ It makes sense to me.” I then commence to listen, learn, integrate and ask, where is the confusion? We are all wanting to protect the sacred elements of earth, our right to food, water, and a sustainable life for the future. So, why aren’t we working together? I joke, then we’d have organic salads and vegetables to go with the truly free range protein. A metaphor for two peoples coming together in health on one plate. I believe at the core of all beings, despite color, race or creed, that all beings want beauty in the world and they want it for their families. What I learned most clearly from this conservancy group is a pooling of resources and a passing around of them so they have more to invest in order to preserve a lifestyle and everything they hold dear. I saw generous land donations from donors who, when given first choice of prizes, chooses a simple cooler. His humility astounds many who beam in admiration. I see as magically the man who donates all the wines is rewarded with raffle wins. Also, people beam about spirit rewarding those who give. I see conservancy efforts that have representatives who teach living generously, preserving and protecting a way of life that will preserve future generations and allow them to flourish. Education programs. My friend then asks about my Kewa bracelet’s images of rain cloud and corn stalk. I tell him it is the basic teaching of land cultivators: Protect the seed. Protect the water. We will always have life. Simple. We are the same, I tell him only we are using the plant world as our guides. We are speaking the same concepts but using different languages so that understanding is shrouded in arrogance and vocabulary. What would happen if we spoke to each other non-reactively, instead of focusing on political objectives? What if we worked soul to soul, people to people instead of corporation to money resource? You know, human to human? As a united group who needs the Earth to survive. Leave the corporations and their monetary agenda out of it. I clearly saw the “boys club,” I’ll admit deservingly patting each other on the backs for accomplishments. Mostly, I saw friends, people who praised and expressed gratitude to one another, I saw people who put their money where their mouth is and who banded together to actively educate, pass laws, and keep expanding their vision of food, land and water. I saw people who involved themselves by donating time as volunteers for the world. It it made me think of what would happen if the best of both groups balanced each other out and actually learned to communicate more clearly? What if the spiritualists, artists, healers of Earth typically democratic and standing for the common people, joined forces with the values, resources, and activities in place to increase knowledge and formulate ways we could eat salad and have meat at the same table. Be what Republicans deem self initiators and creators. Rebellions like in the Fifth Sacred Thing where we broke concrete removed the separation people feel because of the two inches between them and soil and used the land to plant seeds and direct the waters towards shifting planetary conditions, as in, if there is a drought in California, plant the foods of the desert. What if the family values were shared so that one group’s educated powerhouse women who stand by supporting their Kings who treat them like Queens, “ruling class” met with the humanities filmmakers performers arts music Earth mommas whose soft hearts and focus on enriching the human condition led to healthy husbands and children active bodies healthy hearts and peaceful minds who could return to natural states? Perhaps, I thought, in this pivotal time in history determined to heal cancer separation and misunderstandings we could make the ECOLOGICAL ideals more important than false anythings. Having travelled into what one might assume on the outside is so different from me, although I consider myself to be an apolitical futurist omnivore who is striving for the simple life with the efficiency of linear clarity and resources to help my community with a desire to promote inherent connection to spirit, Earth, and humanity (seeing we are essentially the same), I am happy to announce the following: I’ve been into the heart of “other,” it’s not my first time. I am a witness to something greater than myself and my limited viewpoint. I am a clear channel and I am happy to observe: There are beautiful loving kind people everywhere. This group resembles the teaching of my native elders, many are in fact older and wondering how to influence their children’s generation and knowing the mid-generation has dwindled in skills, now working towards influencing a younger generation to retain those skills. Respectful clearly defined males and females working together in a smooth family dynamic for the children by lifting up both the men and giving appreciation for the women. I see dedication to the Earth, it’s cycles and the animal kingdom. I see kind actions and political worth. I see resolutions and commitments. I see substantial donations of time resources and support for those spearheading the work. I see men who love their families and women. I see women who influence the men so that one man chooses a purse over a gun and declares that’s how I’ve been married for 40 years! We all laugh in appreciation. I see people willing to look at darker aspects of humanity, to serve, and be devoted to callings. I see rites of passage for youth to be strong, resourceful and sustainable. I see a desire to contribute to animal population growth. I see concern for their habitats and understand the freedom held in guns to acquire food from animals they use all of including hides. I see men willing to do the hard work for the women. I see children exposed to life skills learning self worth and the ability to sustain life. I see wives who are loved. I see power couples fully appreciated cared for respected, who stand side by side lifting each other up trusting in the others abilities and strengths of equal worth. My perception shifts into one of inspired action. I see many good people. I see what is really needed to unite the planet is cross translators versed in heart languages able to convey English dialects through linking vocabulary so it makes sense. Direct translation of English does not work. Native tongues symbology mythology and their dialects must be corrected because the syntax doesn’t make sense and even if we are all speaking the same language there is mass global confusion. It's quite ridiculous. It’s happening, this miscommunication of values. So I ask the leaders, what would happen if we devoted ourselves to truth righteousness and rebirthed our species, busted out of age old concepts and into Universal wisdom? As in, believe in God, act like it, imagine that connection extends to all people, and make miracles happen. Together. What would that look like? Financial Mastery. EntrepreneurialSpirits. Spiritual Devotion. Family Values. Self Edification. Conservancy Efforts. Heartfelt Communication. Commitment to preservation. Mutual respect. Most importantly absolute focus on what we LOVE. Real healing is requesting GOD to remove blocks to understanding where we are all coming from and where we would like to go. Where would I like to go from here? Volunteering for greater communities with systems already in place. How can I serve causes I believe in? Beyond myself and my household, how can I band together and be a bridge of understanding? How can I find the commonality in all people and transcend perceived differences? I am asking when a woman approaches me. She’s Native American. Her last name is Lucero. We are cousins. Linked. It makes sense. Conservancy in action. Waking over the bridges that have been built. Information sharing. Ending addiction overconsumption of food and alcohol obesity and dominion, tempered with simplicity moderation compassion. Ending passivity, poverty, infusing passion for ideals and actively seeking abundance all brought together as conservancy in action for the benefit of all life. Yes, please, Universe. I am ready. How can it get better than this? |
May 2024