Over the last ten years I have been a gypsy wanderer, a traveler, a medicine woman with a bag of tricks, but it was not always this way. I actually started off as a high school teacher at 20. I devoted my life to those students, taking many of them under my wing who felt abandoned by society, home, and life. I held students in my arms who had been gang banged on the weekend, comforted students when suicide befell fellow students, and sat with parents whose worry had created separation and who somehow forgot the art of speaking from the heart. I think what drove me then as now is life experience. At 14 my mother and I moved to El Paso so she could care for her mother who had breast, bone and lung cancer. It was the first time I realized life wasn't all about me. It wasn't not, but for that moment in time, I had the moment to experience that life is fleeting. My grandmother was a very special woman. I can remember my mom at her bedside. I can remember the way they drank each other in through their eyes. I can remember the first time I helped feed her. Perhaps it seems like selflessness, but really, when you love someone it is for you that you are holding their hand, every bit as much as it is for them. Because when you love someone, there will never be enough one more times. And in the end the love you imprint will have to last a life time. After she passed at the young age of 63, overwhelmed by death, I turned to drugs and alchohol. I had a near death experience at 16. My parents moved me two states away. I believe it is the knowing that love exists and the way they were there for me, pleading, talking, loving embracing that I became the teacher I did. When I got a brain tumor in my 20's I continued teaching, sometimes barely making it home and not remembering the drive. My parents relocated to live with me and when I awoke I would eat, sleep and then return to the classroom. Then I met a medicine woman and began my own journey towards health and wholeness. It was not easy. The choices I made at that time in my life were choices that made everyone who loved me cringe. I sold everything, I quit teaching, I put on a backpack and dropped myself down on the island of Kauai without a cellphone, no packing skills or experience, and trusted a divine force that led me to a shamanic burial on Big Island Hawaii. What ended that journey was a final meditaion on the island of Maui, where I received back to me all the love and care of every single family member with whom I had not communicated in almost a year. It was the time of no facebook and calls that came from me were spuratic and done in telephone booths. The choice to self heal and to separate from my tribe was for me one of the many things along the way that changed my understanding of modern day mentality. The mentality that self-realization and self-care is of primary importance. I came to see that it was this mentality that in fact had caused so much separation in our world and the dissolution of tribe. It is self-hood that brings us to our own paths in life, creativity...but truly it is what led me back to a field of service. I see people on their own paths to wholeness and I know how important it is, also, at 39, both parents having survied cancer, three grandparents having passed, one aged and 94, I realize too that in the end, we always return to tribe. Perspective being that tribal unity is what keeps the family seed alive. To care for aged ones and young ones alike. It is the circle of love that brings us back. Perhaps our parents weren't perfect, but we are alive...so the job they did was good. We are always meant to learn and unlearn on our own. But in the end, it is the love we put out that returns to us. I feel lucky to be part of a family that loves deep. We are all a little neurotic, have done one thing or another to each other, forgive, laugh, eat together and always we are family. Some have their own family, some stay to themselves, I travel...we are all our own people. In truth, it is the allowance of that allows tribes to dwell in unity. We need not give up our individuality...but knowing where we come from, our ancestry, our birth, our blood is the first step to healing in the lowest energy body, our physical body, our groundedness, our root it is where we are housed, birth and die. I saw a saying the other day, "not my monkey, not my tree." I laugh now, in this moment because for our tree...we are all each other's monkey. Different aspects of ourselves birthed in the outside world to know the truth and Mexicans do speak truth. The older I get, the more the acts of love I consider ordinary seem to others outstanding, I can't help but think, we must as a race be forgetting something. This behavior of love, care, and devotion used to be normal. I can't help but pray that after we have gone into seclusion and self-inquiry, that we remember it isn't all about the one...it is about the we, the us, the entire human race and that we give ourselves back to that truth. It is similar to the inquisitiveness that befalls my parents when in a yogic group, marveling over their love lasting from high school into their sixties. How do you do it? What is the secret? My parents, slightly confused will look at each other and then back again, it isn't because we think the other perfect, it isn't because there are not minor disagreements it is quite simple...we love each other. And many times I have seen a room go silent. And so what is love? What is the study of love? I can't help but think that love is the study of family. It is the healing of ties, the forgiving of wounds, the willingness to see each other as perfectly flawed and imperfectly trying but never giving up in the trying, in the giving, in the communicating, in the saying of I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I trust you...such is the four tenets of the Hawaiian Kahunas. Any tribe the world over all indegenous will teach you that seed, that little bit of knowing ohana, family, aloha, love, joined circles connected by fire, and prayer services over the sick that we must stick together and if the yogic practice of being happy, content and at peace while uncomfortable doesn't apply to this...check in with India...family, mother, grandparents is what they live for and marriage is for uniting tribes. I hear alot use of the word tribe and tribal...it is a consciousness, it is a knowing and I believe in time we will come back to what it truly is. It is more than friendship. It is more than fun. To me it is the gift of having each other, to participate in the circle of life, not just in the yoga medicine worlds, but the whole world. And perhaps as we come back in contact with all people's we will round out. Help each other where we have each gone off track. Help each other unite...where we crave bliss...others crave security and is either one the truth of our existence? ...life will always be slightly rickety, there will always be a curve ball, something that switches up our practices and blindsides us with unexpectancy, and in the midst of it...may we find enough hands there to hold us up, to bring us back to center (because God knows as much as I know where I am I sometimes get dizzy) so we can find our joy, our happiness, our bliss despite situations so that the one thing that never changes is our belief that the world is a loving place, that love is all around us and God is real, acting not only for us but through us.
When the fires blaze
my heart lights up I come back to remembering our eternal essence is not what we own. I come back to remembering Jesus who when offered a kingdom turned and walked barefoot into the desert Buddha who rejected his wealth to sit under a tree Crackling they endure the heat and I recall the medicines and people who sit in jungles watching the Amazon fall to the ground and facing extinction everyday they pray for us The shamans wife in the Sierras of Mexico does sell her peyote to visit doctors who give her medicine to heal the illness caused by Coca-cola has found the remote villages and history repeats itself in Modelo beer drunken with need for money that cannot be eaten The seed is the kernal that gives life to the people I pray those speaking medicine remember we are here to pray for Earth and humanity and can we step away from our own photos to pray for the wisdom of the ages spreads out as land and sky desert storm clouds rain down many waters spilling blooming sage amid red rocks and scrub brush The sky is infinity vastness overhead horses etched cliffsides sound thunderous gallops pressing forward lazer sharp focus center points internal compass due south seaside Huichotle sweat lodges merge Navajo-Dineh spirits intertwined stories unravel all this land is home: Long ago a young woman held truth in her heart preached it from the pulpits and missed the miracle of Jesus working in her and through her she walked where she was led stood at vistas on Cathedrals pounding a grandfather drum without a song opening her heart she passed through her fears to run up walls stood steady on legs the Goddess route altars of tantric love unionized on rock heads pelvis vulva clitoris making love all at once they touch and pulse life into being we are all born of this earth and will return to its steady still center everything we have will go but the love experiences of service we give to those without money God's divine presence is not for sale It is ours grateful to be guided to ancestral lands whose horror and anger gives way to waves that rush and pulse surrender I will fight no more forever Aging I wear no costume play no games for time now unfolds the grandmothers said... None of this was for sale now I do know what commerce has taken our humanity our fragility our vulnerability to be flawed to cry to speak an unpopular truth we grin and bear that spiritual sanctuaries have created more emptiness Where praises were sung to honor God we raise ourselves up hierarchically crushing the little children who need a knee and sell them hugs for a dollar to feed coconut cravings festival addictions have become highly exaggerated version of self competing egos for the prize of the most spiritual goes no longer to the crone with rosary beads praying privately for her family but to the young beautiful and rich who sell you guru and hold back friendship-- for how can we charge for what used to be free even elders sell tipi but I remember when we came together to eat-sing-play-dance I remember when friendship became sales's gimmicks and struggling for money we crawled begging our way Back to the Kings and Queens of the New Age Movement Royalty in the making we have created a parallel structure of successfully spiritual and abundant Flyers, cards, costumes, and websites Deny God Claiming self as Creator... No longer part or particle I drop to one knee in the desert Humbly remember the ones who have come before me and pray to know another way lineage passes on this: We are now asleep sitting together and shining only our bliss we neglect to use our privilege, health as candles lighting the way Awaken in dark places we look and find humanity huddled together without fanfare authentic like the stars remembering it is all about time spent together Love shared is the presence of God Sacred commerce has become another rat race with flowers of life, crystals, hoola hoops, fire and drugs lots of them to elevate the experience and make us believe We are in ceremony communion with the Divine Mother whose breast has run dry and fires rage in small towns we cry what is lost Remember the value of friends when we had nothing we stood together in embrace that is free God is with us all along the way reminding us that love is the only thing that matters it is how we are here and the struggle is the birth canal to our first primal yelp this existence will be a cycle of emptying and filling and no matter what comes in we will all shit it out and cry our hearts out to be loved--have attention--affection--praise Connection to our Mother in utero we were cared for and magically formed Into this land is a beautiful woman and do we plant and water her until she blooms or bulldoze her counting money and profits raping the one who gives unconditionally to dole out a chunk and dig up ancestral finds of outer space origins a knife to stab us in our own hearts Living this life as if this is all there is or looking towards eternal bliss in oneness we are all here now divided only by our stories projections entitled blissed truly insecure and vulnerable we are only human and dependent upon this planet She will go on the endless sky and stars do tell us things burn out civilizations dissolve water runs out no plastic bottle can be filled with what has dried and do we now frack and infect our supplies for moneys and addictions squandering the future with toxic fumes and GMO strains cancerous dumps of fertilizers to feed the masses who do not plant seeds who do not have land to grow Laws are broken with the hope of freedom and still we are enslaved to serfdom working what is not ours in due season we reap what we sow spraying dandelions and then taking pharmaceuticals for kidneys-livers-bladders- passing stones and beverages made with sugar rots our teeth mercury our brains We have given our food supply and organic practices over to corporations who are now the doorway to the apothecaries must sell the rights to herbs to be bought and I remember when the silent scream unfurled inside myself that the one had become a million in every far reaches of land we have sold ourselves and become slaves to our master brands bringing our talents our voices our hearts our vision to make others millions and trade amongst ourselves playing cool kids at 40 competing ticks of the trade Trimming our intrinsic value declining everyday we sit for chocolate All our thoughts and ideas wired into a handheld device that tracks us to sell us what is already ours in yoga postures, stretch pants We forget yogis in loin cloths sat in caves praying for Universal peace they gave over their egos and served Our spirits now one with the new god-- money is energy that propels things forward we stream grabbing for that which is temporary and Our souls of faith crave peace that comes only in union with God who makes the sun to rise the waves to cycle with Goddess moon Someday we will join the particles of our life to the one now here and when that essence dissipates into God will it pray land trees flowers hope children and God itself back into being or perpetuate the concrete poison and technology that is our cancer may we learn to fear the cause more than the disease and turn our focus back to health color music dance slow time dance in the breeze in trees to childrens laughter---and my heart beseeches everyone: Come together honor our partners safegaurd our lineage that is family forgive the separateness bring us back to the one realization that can save us beyond dreaming beyond hallucinations let us be in the world and on the earth humans reaching out to our grandmothers slowing down to one breath one look that says I am here for you and Yes--young ones-- I am greying despite all my practices, prayers, travels, medicines, service, love, joy, bliss willingness to shadow to cry to scream to panic to not know what to do if all this beauty love humanity is lost in a cloud be it fire, peace pipe, or solar flare The time to break free of our addictons and escape from behind fences to which we have been fleeing separating people in open spaces Find freedom from people who sell you eternal youth and your own authenticity Walk your truth in cities at home with your aged parents and true friends hold you in times of loss nurture yourself wholey rested return to the work You've given your life over to the work is for others to lift them up to give hope where it has left Pray remembrance life into death experience miracles and Not to sell people God but to guide them so that God is in them around them moving them and one person at a time We will re-fill be fulfilled. Reconnect remember: Our human race healing our Mother and preserving our children for generations to come. |
May 2024