Bureau of Land Management is the conservancy organization that has bought and maintained for the people the right to camp by the Yuba River.
I’m at the trailhead contemplating this and remember that my friend from Kansas, a hunter and financial advisor, has told me it’s one of the groups he volunteers to work with. I’m standing at the sign with my friend from San Francisco, who travels 4-6 hours depending on the day, to find refuge from the City and be able to find silence, sanctuary, and hear the voice of the waters. It's possible because the land is not privately owned. It’s a group of people who buy the land for people. I’m thinking this when we see a different sign saying one of the beaches is closed because this particular area is owned privately and that access is granted all year except once a year they like to allow contributors to come for a weekend undisturbed and experience what it is they have saved, refuge for so many. They have made this section available to others for 362 days a year. I’m thinking about this when I am invited to the California Waterfowl Orgnaizations dinner. Their mission is to preserve waterways so that waterfowl populations have the opportunity to flourish in a healthy environment and, to prevent population explosion and the tradition of being able to feed self and family continues, they offer permits to acquire your own food and that is also why they are proponents of moderate gun laws. My friend looks at me and asks what I think. I tell him the story of an intuitive healer in Kauai who during my raw fooding days, offered me a session. When I entered he was in a trance. As I sat down he recited my entire lineage, akin to blood type eating, a reasonable book written about eating according to where our relatives were born. (I.e. most Mexicans are gluten intolerant because their ancestors ate corn. Most Europeans do best with artisan breads and wheat because they were not introduced to corn until migration to the New World) After his recitation the healer opened his eyes and asked me a question that evoked a very strong vision. He asked, “What did your ancestors know about the cycle of life that you do not?” I immediately saw an animal whose life had been taken merged energetically with a native person who was deep in gratitude prayer for the body of the animal and who sat in communion with the spirit of the animal. This I weighed inside of my raw vegetarian yogini body. Within the next 10 years I will meet many yogis suffering from autoimmune disorders and suggest they eat food rather than supplementation and imported goods. Soon after, the paleo diets will emerge as aides to immunity and also as elimination diets similar to going raw or vegan but addressing body chemistry and allegic response to sources of food, not meat or vegetable. This being the foundational level to what is called the Functional Medicine Pyramid, meaning that at the basis of health is diet and lifestyle. Side note about diet and lifestyle, in trying to find the cause of disease one must address and eliminate food sources and add in ones that will support the body’s necessary healing. Meaning humans love to over correct and be extreme. Sometimes we must visit the other extreme in order to integrate and balance. All that being said, I tell him one of my best friends, roommates of 8 years, and hunter used to tell me, as he said, “hippie ass” hunters love animals and the environment more than the average person because they understand directly the life cycle, seasons, and migrations. They observed more quickly population and environmental changes and then, key point, joined together to make measures that would help to fix the problems. Of course, I know many a river guide, farmer, ecologist who could say the same. All in all I agree that anyone spending life and revolving it around nature will know a thing or two about what is happening and what is needed. So, when my friend asks me, what do you think, about the Waterfowl Conservancy, I tell him, “ It makes sense to me.” I then commence to listen, learn, integrate and ask, where is the confusion? We are all wanting to protect the sacred elements of earth, our right to food, water, and a sustainable life for the future. So, why aren’t we working together? I joke, then we’d have organic salads and vegetables to go with the truly free range protein. A metaphor for two peoples coming together in health on one plate. I believe at the core of all beings, despite color, race or creed, that all beings want beauty in the world and they want it for their families. What I learned most clearly from this conservancy group is a pooling of resources and a passing around of them so they have more to invest in order to preserve a lifestyle and everything they hold dear. I saw generous land donations from donors who, when given first choice of prizes, chooses a simple cooler. His humility astounds many who beam in admiration. I see as magically the man who donates all the wines is rewarded with raffle wins. Also, people beam about spirit rewarding those who give. I see conservancy efforts that have representatives who teach living generously, preserving and protecting a way of life that will preserve future generations and allow them to flourish. Education programs. My friend then asks about my Kewa bracelet’s images of rain cloud and corn stalk. I tell him it is the basic teaching of land cultivators: Protect the seed. Protect the water. We will always have life. Simple. We are the same, I tell him only we are using the plant world as our guides. We are speaking the same concepts but using different languages so that understanding is shrouded in arrogance and vocabulary. What would happen if we spoke to each other non-reactively, instead of focusing on political objectives? What if we worked soul to soul, people to people instead of corporation to money resource? You know, human to human? As a united group who needs the Earth to survive. Leave the corporations and their monetary agenda out of it. I clearly saw the “boys club,” I’ll admit deservingly patting each other on the backs for accomplishments. Mostly, I saw friends, people who praised and expressed gratitude to one another, I saw people who put their money where their mouth is and who banded together to actively educate, pass laws, and keep expanding their vision of food, land and water. I saw people who involved themselves by donating time as volunteers for the world. It it made me think of what would happen if the best of both groups balanced each other out and actually learned to communicate more clearly? What if the spiritualists, artists, healers of Earth typically democratic and standing for the common people, joined forces with the values, resources, and activities in place to increase knowledge and formulate ways we could eat salad and have meat at the same table. Be what Republicans deem self initiators and creators. Rebellions like in the Fifth Sacred Thing where we broke concrete removed the separation people feel because of the two inches between them and soil and used the land to plant seeds and direct the waters towards shifting planetary conditions, as in, if there is a drought in California, plant the foods of the desert. What if the family values were shared so that one group’s educated powerhouse women who stand by supporting their Kings who treat them like Queens, “ruling class” met with the humanities filmmakers performers arts music Earth mommas whose soft hearts and focus on enriching the human condition led to healthy husbands and children active bodies healthy hearts and peaceful minds who could return to natural states? Perhaps, I thought, in this pivotal time in history determined to heal cancer separation and misunderstandings we could make the ECOLOGICAL ideals more important than false anythings. Having travelled into what one might assume on the outside is so different from me, although I consider myself to be an apolitical futurist omnivore who is striving for the simple life with the efficiency of linear clarity and resources to help my community with a desire to promote inherent connection to spirit, Earth, and humanity (seeing we are essentially the same), I am happy to announce the following: I’ve been into the heart of “other,” it’s not my first time. I am a witness to something greater than myself and my limited viewpoint. I am a clear channel and I am happy to observe: There are beautiful loving kind people everywhere. This group resembles the teaching of my native elders, many are in fact older and wondering how to influence their children’s generation and knowing the mid-generation has dwindled in skills, now working towards influencing a younger generation to retain those skills. Respectful clearly defined males and females working together in a smooth family dynamic for the children by lifting up both the men and giving appreciation for the women. I see dedication to the Earth, it’s cycles and the animal kingdom. I see kind actions and political worth. I see resolutions and commitments. I see substantial donations of time resources and support for those spearheading the work. I see men who love their families and women. I see women who influence the men so that one man chooses a purse over a gun and declares that’s how I’ve been married for 40 years! We all laugh in appreciation. I see people willing to look at darker aspects of humanity, to serve, and be devoted to callings. I see rites of passage for youth to be strong, resourceful and sustainable. I see a desire to contribute to animal population growth. I see concern for their habitats and understand the freedom held in guns to acquire food from animals they use all of including hides. I see men willing to do the hard work for the women. I see children exposed to life skills learning self worth and the ability to sustain life. I see wives who are loved. I see power couples fully appreciated cared for respected, who stand side by side lifting each other up trusting in the others abilities and strengths of equal worth. My perception shifts into one of inspired action. I see many good people. I see what is really needed to unite the planet is cross translators versed in heart languages able to convey English dialects through linking vocabulary so it makes sense. Direct translation of English does not work. Native tongues symbology mythology and their dialects must be corrected because the syntax doesn’t make sense and even if we are all speaking the same language there is mass global confusion. It's quite ridiculous. It’s happening, this miscommunication of values. So I ask the leaders, what would happen if we devoted ourselves to truth righteousness and rebirthed our species, busted out of age old concepts and into Universal wisdom? As in, believe in God, act like it, imagine that connection extends to all people, and make miracles happen. Together. What would that look like? Financial Mastery. EntrepreneurialSpirits. Spiritual Devotion. Family Values. Self Edification. Conservancy Efforts. Heartfelt Communication. Commitment to preservation. Mutual respect. Most importantly absolute focus on what we LOVE. Real healing is requesting GOD to remove blocks to understanding where we are all coming from and where we would like to go. Where would I like to go from here? Volunteering for greater communities with systems already in place. How can I serve causes I believe in? Beyond myself and my household, how can I band together and be a bridge of understanding? How can I find the commonality in all people and transcend perceived differences? I am asking when a woman approaches me. She’s Native American. Her last name is Lucero. We are cousins. Linked. It makes sense. Conservancy in action. Waking over the bridges that have been built. Information sharing. Ending addiction overconsumption of food and alcohol obesity and dominion, tempered with simplicity moderation compassion. Ending passivity, poverty, infusing passion for ideals and actively seeking abundance all brought together as conservancy in action for the benefit of all life. Yes, please, Universe. I am ready. How can it get better than this?
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May 2024