Who put the left brainers in charge of education? No, really, when did wholistic (holy whole) become categoric and compartmentalized become one box?
Little computers inputting information to catalogue inventory, take stock, human beings are best in full expression of life quests not waiting to live. It seems to me, we could all stand to revisit psychologist Howard Gardner’s developmental intelligences. In 1983, he proposed a multiple intelligence theory that broke down natural inclinations and knowings valuable to healthy society, in that, each one was an important part of society. Some, like my brother who would hear music in everything, clicks and all tv conversation, would invisibly be drumming internally at all times a beat unheard by me. I always wondered what he was hearing. When we we got older I remember watching him laying on the bed listening to music and I wanted to know what he heard. He would mouth the instrument line sounds so I could hear the independent sounds made by separate musicians. Soon I could hear the layers of music. I understood the staff dimensionally. Others have a deep knowing of musicality and it’s connection to spirit. My friend Dolli feels music around her body and when she throws her operatic voice, she says it exists through her but outside her too, in the cathedral around her head. Same brother, what a gifted nerd, was also given body smarts. He calls it independent limb function which is all limbs moving independent of the other’s direction at its own rhythm and beat. But, you know, musically and sounding right while doing it. That’s called multiple intelligences. Some people are good at more than one thing to an equal extent and those two things combine usually to determine what they do for a living. In a perfect world, we watch the young living and see natural inclinations and give them skills to love the life they naturally lead. This is of course the birth place for learning according to Kahuna master teacher modalities. It is the mainstay of indigenous culture and how kids ended up learning from auntie Mahi healing work or uncle Lloyd fire tending. It is how Waldorf Montessori got its roots, it’s called mastery and village training. Modern day education seeks to mold the children into a need based society and, while some are born logical mathematical with a natural affinity for numbers and reasoning, most are not. In fact, during the last years of my life as an educator, I was given the kids “at risk” of not fitting this mold. I became grateful for their spiritual rebellion, for my class was filled with spiritually artistically interpersonal socialites who danced their bodies, rapped in spoken words naturally loved the earth and seemed to know themselves. All of which used to be fostered by elders as valuable skills needed to base society upon. In old law making, it would be unheard of to leave the heart, body and spirit out and put all decisions on mind. In fact, more import was given to the other three to inform mind about right choices and circles contained people representing various aspects of humanity. As recent as this year, reflecting my own psychology and Jungian philosophy has me looking back on old information, gathering it for my own growth out of newly dogmatized new age practices originally meant to free people but now used to harness money for the list makers and how to livers. As in, follow my amazing registered trade mark list for life and how to be spiritual, free, and healthy, only $19.95 and your eternal allegiance to something not generated by your independent thinking skills. This approach, pretty much the same as standardized testing which shows absolutely nothing about actual thinking processes just makes some test maker millions. So, having realized I had mind fucked my own self with the fine fine fine attitude of “time to make the donuts” doldrums and same same conversations and boring nongrowth mentality of only talking to people just like me, I began to examine what aspects of self were undeveloped I.e sitting in the shadows, pissed (pain body) for not having its perspective tapped, and started reflecting on Jung’s psychology of archetypes. If school isn’t educating whole peeps any more and I’m an educator, then I need to start with my own psychology and teach out of field, party, and social circle to grow. Grow out of martyr, hero mentalities into thrive mentalities knowing we are always supported to grow. Remember sainthood and perfection needs the joker and sensualist to grow and splatter some paint, dig the earth and rotate like the sun. Existential into space and play the Universal currents of musical intelligence through kinetic touch to stars and count mathematical precision drum beats spiral dance and turn the wheel of psychological genius access full person intelligence is in the bones and learning is soul in contact with world and the people in it are multiple faces eyes on different aspects of life living in the now running down the road, afiguring it all out one probability at a time, as in probably we know ourselves today but tomorrow is another day. Today the innocent tomorrow the outlaw, today the magician tomorrow the Everyman, today the sage taking it all so seriously tomorrow the jester Buddha laughing enlightened and released from the tension of disharmonic duality into one you, perfectly expressing all aspects, in harmony. Smarty. Keep growing. Keep learning.
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May 2024