It’s March 21, 2011. Like all near human extinction prophecies and mass hysteria movements the fervor and speculation is high.
I’m sitting in a health food restaurant being run by a young bright healthy man I met at a yoga studio in Kauai years before with my best friend Magnolia, member of the last original homestead family registered in the United States, adopted daughter of tribal elder Beaver Chief and author of The Diamond Path: A Guide to the Art of Healing, We overhear behind us, Zeus a self-proclaimed scholar mystical expert on the year 2012. We pause in our own spiritual discussion to listen. Both of us burst out laughing as a reflection of spiritual conversation is revealed to us. Wide eyed and with love in our hearts we both turn and exclaim, “We thought we were crazy! Ha ha you guys sound crazy!” It takes them aback a bit but slowly, when removing the bias that we are all coming from the same place and reviewing conversation, we all begin to laugh. It’s no wonder modern day thinkers and survivors of many a Nostradamus Enquirer covers often dismiss spiritualists as delusional dreamers. I understand this problem, as both a spiritualist and an educated ex-high school teacher, I value research and information but I’ve come to realize that there are some with genuine connection to this planet and Earth COMMUNICATES valuable truths before data is collected. What I think is of value is feeling into fundamental truths about disconnected Earth practices and the footprint of the human beings who live here. Its obvious and would be ridiculous for people to not agree that we live in the age of overconsumption, mass pollution, and obstinate unwillingness to alter our course or direction in accord with these observations. Some attempt to address these concerns politically butting heads with Big Oil companies and corporations making big bucks off of our fast paced throw away society. So, while politicians try to pass land and water laws, spiritualists, naturalists, and healers attempt to tackle the problem of the human condition individually and within communities. As knowing crescendos and the outcome of choices affect all people leading to cancer of spirit, body, and mind, we look to our visions hoping there is a Source of information greater than our own limited vantage point and believing in the ultimate savability of our race. I've been thinking about statistics, observation and prophecy of late. A curious connection tying back into the day in Sedona with my friend Maggie. FUNDAMENTALLY TRUE, as in no data or facts at this time to support a greater understanding but tied into recorded change, is my uneducated but observant story about the future of our planet. In 2012, the Mayan end of calendar year (as with many conjectures) ideas were as varied as there are people. What was said is that in that year there would be an ending to things as we knew it, which to me indicated some kind of shift but we didn't know what. I heard a lot of theories and ideas but I didn't know and, I was really sure after hearing people talking about it, that no one knew the truth either. So, I just waited to see. One of the things that caught my attention during that time, however, was that just like a person who reaches zero point, the planet's internal rhythm was reaching such a high velocity that the vibrational waves were going to overlay on top of themselves and essentially cancel each other out, in essence going so fast it would imperceptibly stop. Zero Point. The rate of speed and frequency at the center of the Earth reached zero point in 2012. (This is not a spiritualist concept. My t.v. watching dad and I compromised on a show about the Universe. A station I agreed to watch because it appeared to contain useful information to which I am now referring. (I obviously watched just to tell you because boobtubing and google searching looks like a room of zombies, or greys, and it freaks me out.). Scientifically speaking the pulse of the earth has a vibration which when measured looks like sound waves. Using this visual, the movement overlapped itself. Zero. Point. Only for a point in time because it all resets and starts to beat to a different rhythm, the original one, like paddles on a heart attack victim or as resuscitation. What would happen after zero point? In the a human body, a restart puts everything into alignment, rebalances, and transforms previous reality into a new reality. Transformation. Also known as near death experiences. Some hopefuls actually believed we would transcend into an overlayed different planet that would appear through the energetic tunnel of all planets lining up but that humans would have a hard time waking up because they live everyday the same instead of seeing sleep as a portal to another dimension and believing in miracles. Their habits and behaviors would continue as if everything was the same. impossible, even under normal circumstances, but that God would put it all back together again perfectly. So, everyone relax, this will only take a second. I loved the concept. It made me laugh. I thought “Well, hell! I’ll take that. Yes, please, so much easier than our small mindedness could ever do!” It reminded me of my mother’s version of Paradise Earth and other concepts of compassionate transformation. It reminded me of Bible stories, like Lot praying for all of the good people on Earth and going into the condemned cities to find the people who loved God in their hearts. All the good people who loved the Earth. All the good people who loved their families. All the people who cherished their lives and gave credit to a Higher Source. In fact, my dad and I were talking over breakfast (because I won the t.v. debate that morning and it was off.) The conversation revolved around global health, population, sustainability, consumerism, and generational differences. We were feeling a little low and unfaithful that things could get better. My mom, because of her faith, is eternally optimistic and while refraining from the conversation was reading the paper listening. This is the time her little eyes popped up over the paper and she said, “Don’t worry guys. Jehovah is gone take over the planet and the Earth will be a paradise.” Now there are many ways to act and respond to this. One is laugh, which is what we did. Two, is say to each other, “Is she serious?” To which we both laugh again because we know she is. Thirdly, with all the love in our hearts my dad, a Vietnam veteran agnostic, and me an ex-Jehovah's Witness disfellowshipped for having sex now retired Shaman yogini who travels the world teaching sexuality, union and divinity courses to those recovering from sexual trauma, repression, lack of information, and disconnection from self/ others both said, in unison, “God, mom! I hope so!!!!” To which we all smiled and laughed again from our deepest hearts. If it can be so, please let it be. Amen. At these pivotal moments, also seen in major disease patients, change of what was transforms into a different state of being. In The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk, this is called el Mundo Bueno. In Native Traditions we call this, The Dreaming. In yoga, Third Eye Contemplation, and, in Christianity, Heaven. It’s a forgetting and a remembering. A deconstructing and reconstructing. Jump start. For example, if a person who has a spiritual awakening or evolves to the crown of their head (Sanskirt terminology for the energy above the head representing devotion akin to Holy Spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E., also the Pine Cone at the Vatican, or the Buddha’s knot), which moves at a high rate of velocity, person will receive grace in order to start over again, differently. I contemplated this and asked what would be different? How would the Earth be after zero point? What I heard was that the poles would shift. How would that go? Instantaneously or slowly over time? Would everything frozen melt and everything liquid would freeze? Made sense, crop rotation for human beings. Well, according to recent studies, the poles have in fact shifted 3%. Something I recently described to my father, a retired Chevron executive, who is not a spiritualist nor did he ever put much faith in Mayan calendars but who does pride himself on facts and statistics. And, yes, he agreed the poles are in fact slowly shifting, he saw it on the Science Channel. According to him, I haven't factoid checked, but scientists agree the poles have slightly shifted. Makes sense in terms of evolution and adaptation. Which leads me to another observation about seasons and cycles. They are off by 2-3 months. In the meantime, I'm listening to conversations about global warming and the fact that things are changing. I'm thinking “Yup!” Latitude and longitude lines are shifting too, that would put us in different climate zones and also adjust our expectations of seasons and grow areas. Winters are starting later and going two months later. I hear the general panic of “Oh, my god! Oh, my god, (A literal cry for many.) something is wrong! It hasn't snowed until January.” Then at the end of the season, I hear, “Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Something is wrong, it is snowing in May.” I start wondering, if we let go of the linear calendar and allow ourselves to observe cycles seasons and changes what we might see as the new norma,l is now two months later which means we would have to leap months. I say this to my sister in law and she suggests, perhaps this is a result of following solar instead of lunar calendars. Also, variation of seasons is also dependent on the angling of the sun. Do do we need a new globe reflecting a 3% shift? We did have to redo maps when continents shifts, why not poles? Perhaps the real problem with current status is the static nature of our current existence, no longer migratory, we are unable to move with our changing planet. Are you saying there is no global warming? It's clear we are in the middle of a dramatic shift. While having breakfast with my friend in Colorado, she is showing me pictures of Venice. I ask her if rising waters are affecting the city. She laughs and tells me the whole city is propped up and caving in on itself. We laugh and say we are mid-way to another Atlantis. Only time will tell. There is, however, a correlation between adjusting norms to cover over unhealthy which is what happened with lab results and the average person. \u0010So many people's levels are in the level of unhealthy that it has been reestablished as the norm. On the other hand, if a person tests normal then they respond to life and environment as being normal. Same thing is happening with our planet. Go back to original, all levels are off. What's right? In shifting times, time is telling the effect of actions. The standards of response can change in order to reflect track now healthy behavior living within parameters of a functioning reality. A good reality. How does it look, act, think, and feel? Do that now. As in, really imagine we are gifted with everything in its purest most crystalline structure. How would we treat and value it the second time around? Do it now. The first time. We are a part of this Earth. She wants us here. We live in her memory past, present, and future. She loves us. She wants us to flourish like the many flowers on her hillside. She wants us to grow, like the many trees reaching skyward. She wants us to enjoy our life, like the dolphin spinning circles over oceanic tides. She wants us to feel inspired and free, like the red tails with their wings spread wide. She put us here as an act of Creation to add to her own beauty. We are beautiful beings, may we touch upon the soul of our many waters, breathe deep clean air, and drink into the deepest cells of earth in us waking upon this planet as Beloveds.
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