In talking about the energetic system of the body and the wheels that spin along the spine, concentrated where our organs need the most amount of vital energy, people often break the chakras up in order of importance from the base up or by color. For me, however, I like to think that the entire system of energy is focused on elevating our consciousness towards our divine inheritance, realizing our divinity. This is often portrayed as being anointed in spirit and receiving our crown, the blessing of grace.
With that, I have often been faced with the question: If we are the children of God and we have a divine inheritance, what does it truly mean to receive our crown and for what purpose are we blessed with the opening of our brain to receive information to carry out whatever is necessary? When I consider this question a man comes to mind, Solomon, who, when praying to understand how to use his energy in serving God, asked first for wisdom. With this, I think it is impossible to consider the crown without considering the bhanda that links our human heart and desires with our humility in asking for guidance. Jalandhara bhanda, is the act of bowing the head, allowing the crown to enter into the 3 foot wide electromagnetic field of our physical heart space. In bringing the chin down to the chest we are entering the communication with our high heart, or our soul connection as seed to the flower of consciousness. In connecting to our soul, we are also connecting to the light in us that is eternally bound to the light, or enlightenment, of God. In essence, we can receive grace, change and transform instantaneously, in one heartfelt, deep experiential moment of realization draw all the energy up and have a life of miracles, wherein we are directed to the places either inside ourselves or on the planet where healing is most needed in the form of our most embodied and connected selves. In simple terms, be exactly your truest selves where you will be most loved and a healing presence for all around you. In sharing the wisdom of our transformation and consecration we can be living examples, or Bodhisattvas, and teach how to integrate the divine experience with our physical one. Our divine inheritance, then, is our inherent connection to God source energy. To contemplate the awesomeness of the Divine intelligence that governs and orchestrates the Universe is to come to the beginning of wisdom and to recognize that there is a purpose that is grander than our own life span. That the opening of the crown gives us only a glimpse at the Divine as it spans through time and space eternally connecting all beings seen and unseen with unconditional love that permeates at the smallest cellular structure and holds it all together like an invisible web, that we can only imagine this type of connection and intricate intelligence that extends out into the ever expanding Universe. This contemplation at the level of order in the rotating planets gives us confidence so that we can surrrender our own thinking ability to a higher power and allow ourselves to be guided. This guidance system is available to all beings. It does, however, require practice. For me and those who practice yoga, or union with their spiritual nature, the energetic practices of consecration, prayer and meditation, clear the mind, and make it possible to hear the voice of our highest selves and, without attachment or expectation to results, faithfully follow through. This way of living is far different than the linear one most of us have grown up with. We, as a race, are in a very special time that the Native Americans like to call the hour of dreaming. I believe that most have recognized that need to transform our lives, live in harmony with the earth and each other, take care and steward the earth and to do so with the faith that if we live in right relation to our Creator God and allow the Creatress Goddess to move us, we can become reconciled with the original dream for humanity. That the course of evolution is to become enlightened, or soulful, and live wisely. Living in the dream then releases us into a world of immediate change. We could spend years moving slowly through our wounds, process, excuse and forgive, delve into our shadows or we can just allow these changes to take place in our thoughts, behaviors and release addictions to any distractions or barriers that are preventing us from living in union with the Divine that lives in union with our light. Therefore, rather than taking the time to climb Jacob’s ladder from the base to the crown, we can focus on the crown and pray for grace to adjust our way of being and then imagine it has happened instantaneously, awakening in the morning to our true selves, forgetting our old routine and just picking up as though we are the person we have always wanted to be. In giving our lives over to the Divine in order to come into contact with the seed potential we are meant to embody in this life we can experience union in this very moment. As the Buddha said, we are all golden and filled with light. The question of change then becomes, what do we love more? The practices and life experiences that create more light or are we addicted to patterns of destruction, sadness and chaos born of man’s blind and selfish thinking? The crowning moment of our existence is choosing light and our self-realization is blessed by Divine grace when we begin to cultivate awareness on it and meditate upon it. We live as we imagine and if we choose our divinity it increases in and around us. People have asked me what it is like to live like a yogi, owning very little, having only what I need, being moved about the planet and asked to help whoever it is I am called to help. The only way to describe it is that every day is a prayer, a call and response. It is a willingness to pause, ask a question and listen for the answer. That all the years of asana practice have taught me to be aware that my feet are moving to the right and then move the rest of my body with it, allow the energy to propel me forward so that I come face to face with a synchronistic moment. It is a life of miracles and an expression of gratitude. It is a life spent in faith based on the way life continues to pulse and change for the better around me as I change and transform with it. It is staring into the void, where I have been on this path long enough to not be in charge of the story line so it is impossible to pick it up and truly it is a mystery to me what will happen next. That my Divine charge as a human being is to know that I am enough, and then move from a place of confidence when I am transported to places and people in time that surpass my expectations. That when I get there, I know it is both the meditation of my heart and a source higher than my Self that has created the situation. There are times when I experience suffering as result of losing people, places, beliefs, or experiences that I feel a deep attachment to, but in the end I have come to know that I will receive blessings if I allow myself to move with the divine flow towards what end I still do not know. I do not think any of us ever really do, but if we can have enough magical experiences in our life, then we can begin to understand the perfection of life and the lessons we learn. So that, in the humility of bowing our crown, we are given the exquisite pleasure of daily affirming the existence of something outside ourselves and, to this, we can give all our fears, doubts, and sadnesses about our own lives and those whose reality is governed not by the dream but the nightmare, or even the state in between. This empathy then directs energy towards what needs the most amount of love and, though I cannot see into the future, I know that Divine grace is in charge and that gives me peace that transcends all human circumstance and connects me to the web of life that is divinity.
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May 2024